Cancellation Policy

For villas

  • If you wish to cancel 21 days before the arrival date, we will refund 100% of the advance value in the original payment mode.
  • Cancellations that are made between 14-21 days prior to the arrival date will receive a 75% refund of the total advance paid.
  • Cancellations that are made between 7-14 days prior to the arrival date will receive a 50% refund of the total advance paid.
  • For any cancellations requested within 7 days of the check-in date, the booking will be non-refundable.

For hotel

  • If you wish to cancel 14 days before the arrival date, we will refund 100% of the advance value in the original payment mode.
  • Cancellations that are made between 7-14 days prior to the arrival date will receive a 50% refund of the total advance paid.
  • For any cancellations requested within 7 days of the check-in date, the booking will be non-refundable.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to cancellation.
